7 Most Asked Questions About Drawing Academy – Watch Now!

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7 Most Asked Questions About Drawing Academy

7 Most Asked Questions About Drawing Academy

Here's a list of the seven most asked questions regarding the Drawing Academy Video Course:
1. Do the lessons cover how to draw from photos or from real life?
2. I've little to no experience in drawing; is this course suitable for me?
3. I struggle drawing proportions correctly, and even though I can see shapes, I struggle to draw them accurately. Will your course show me how to correctly draw both proportion and shape -- particularly the latter?
4. What is the average running time for the videos?
5. Do the lessons offer detailed explanations? I've watched your 10 minute demo videos and they suggest that some prior knowledge of drawing may be needed. Is this the case?
6. Does the 'personal coaching' you offer go beyond the 3 month period?
7. Finally, can the techniques demonstrated in the lessons be used to draw random everyday objects? For example, a car, a chair, a stuffed toy, etc.

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