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Art Courses

Art Courses

Watercolor Academy - Discover How you can benefit from the Watercolor Academy course.

If your ambition is to paint in oil, Old Masters Academy will help you to discover traditional painting techniques that were used by the great masters - Old Masters Academy

Good painting is rooted in good drawing. Your watercolor painting skills very much depend on your drawing proficiency. If you need to improve your drawing skills, you will find the Drawing Academy online course incredibly helpful - Drawing Academy

If your goal is to become a good figurative artist and draw realistic figures and portraits, then the key is in mastering human anatomy. While learning anatomy may feel like a daunting task, the Anatomy Master Class makes it easier than you imagine - Anatomy Master Class

The knowledge of anatomy and constructive drawing will be incredibly useful if you want to portray people. Our Life Drawing Academy fully explains how to draw realistic portraits and human figures from life, memory and imagination - Life Drawing Academy

Life Drawing Academy
Drawing Academy
Watercolor Academy
Anatomy Master Class