How to Draw a Girl with Correct Proportions – Watch Now!

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How to Draw a Girl with Correct Proportions

How to Draw a Girl with Correct Proportions

As you can see in this lesson, understanding proportions and anatomy aids in the gradual construction of a figure. Even though I'm drawing from life, a model isn't as important as the knowledge I'm using to the picture. I can perform the contrapposto position from memory or imagination because I've done it hundreds of times in little sketches and long life studies. Because learning how to draw a portrait is such a broad topic, you'll find it covered in many other video classes throughout the Life Drawing Academy course. Helping lines of axes and bones were drawn boldly to show you the figure's structure and anatomy. These lines accomplished their job, therefore I erased them with a gently kneaded eraser before producing tonal values. Erasing is not required. The best way is to use very mild pressure while drawing helpful lines and erase only those that are outside the figure's outlines. Under layers of tonal values, the remaining constructive lines will vanish. To render tonal values, start with the drawing's darkest sections.

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Anatomy Master Class