How to Draw a Portrait for Watercolor – Watch Now!

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How to Draw a Portrait for Watercolor

How to Draw a Portrait for Watercolor

In this video I will talk about drawing. Here is one of my sketchbooks. In this book you can see a few sketches. These are preliminary drawings for a watercolor composition I have in mind. I will make another sketch in pen and ink using a fountain pen and brown ink. I'm drawing this portrait from imagination. In case you are wondering, there is no reference for it. I have done hundreds and hundreds of similar portrait sketches and I can easily make another one from memory without a model. If you would like to see those hundreds of portrait sketches, please check my video where I demonstrate my sketchbooks. Good portrait drawing skills don't come overnight. You have to know human head proportions and anatomy, use the necessary constructive drawing principles, and, of course, be able to control your pen-work with precision. Professional artists draw not what they see, but what they know. This is especially important when you draw from memory or imagination. To draw a realistic portrait, you have to know many things.

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