How to Draw Knees – Watch Now!

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How to Draw Knees

How to Draw Knees

In this video lesson, you will learn how to draw realistic knees from life with the necessary knowledge of this joint's proportions and anatomy. When drawing a knee, we have two big volumes—the upper and lower leg. The upper leg is facing the viewer and can be simplified as an elongated cuboid shape in perspective. We need to make sure that edges of the thigh bone, the kneecap, and the shinbone are parallel to each other. This alignment is in place whether the leg is flexed or extended. These edges shape the frontal planes of the knee joint. We apply pencil strokes along those planes. The borders between planes are important landmarks and should be depicted in drawing. The shadow beneath the quadriceps is quite prominent. The rendering is done rather roughly because the aim of this lesson is to explain the anatomy and construction of the knee joint, not to render tonal values to perfection.

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