How to Make Fast Figure Sketches – Watch Now!

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How to Make Fast Figure Sketches

How to Make Fast Figure Sketches

To make a good, short gesture sketch of a pose in five to ten minutes, or even in one minute, you need to follow certain rules and sequences of drawing steps. To make good gesture sketches, you need to know a human body's proportions. You have to think about such things as:
- Where is the middle of the figure?
- How many times does a head fit into a body?
- What is the contrapposto?
- Why is the axis of a supporting leg tilted?
- And many other proportions and alignments of a human body.
All these things are a set of rules that you need to have in your head. This is the knowledge that a fine artist uses on autopilot when doing life sketches. This set of rules is necessary for constructive drawing. It is learned during long studies of figures.

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