How to Paint a Portrait in Watercolor – Watch Now!

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How to Paint a Portrait in Watercolor

How to Paint a Portrait in Watercolor

It's time to paint the portrait. I premixed three colors on the palette. These colors will be used for the hairstyle. I will paint the hairs with a natural sable brush from Escoda. It is a perfect tool for making precise brushstrokes. It takes less paint than the mop brush, but it holds its shape perfectly. I am painting wet-on-dry, fusing one color into another directly on the paper surface. Unlike the background, which was done in several layers, the hairstyle will be painted alla prima, which means in one attempt. To suggest the shadow beneath the laurel leaf, dark brown color is added. I'm carefully preserving the outline of the laurel wreath by painting around it. Once again this is a very good exercise to learn how to preserve white paper when painting wet-on-dry.

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