How to Draw a Proportionate Figure – Watch Now!

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How to Draw a Proportionate Figure

How to Draw a Proportionate Figure

The distance from the pit of the neck to the pubic bone is the same as from the toes to the top of the kneecap. It is also the same as from the kneecap to the top of the pelvis. This proportion locates the kneecap. The line between the two knees has a tilt. It follows the inclination of the pelvis. The height of the face fits twice in the distance from the knee joint to the top of the foot. The height of the face is equal to the length of the collarbone. The shoulder joints are on both sides of the ribcage. The bone of the upper arm ends at the ribcage's bottom edge. We make sure that both upper arms have the same length. The height of the head fits seven and a half times into the figure's height. The head fits once from the seventh vertebra to the breastbone's end. It is also equal to the height of the pelvis. This measuring unit also fits two times from the hip joint to the knee joint, as well as from the knee joint to the toes of the supporting leg. The height of the face is the same as: the height of the breastbone, the distance from the breastbone to the navel or top of the pelvis, and the distance from the navel to the pubic bone.

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