How to Draw a Nose – Watch Now!

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How to Draw a Nose

How to Draw a Nose

In this video, you will learn how to draw a nose. The shape of a nose can be oversimplified as a prism. Here's its front view. The top and bottom sides of this prism are isosceles trapezoids, which means they have the same base angles, so the prism's lateral sides are equal in size. The anatomy of the nose may display different variations in its geometry. To demonstrate this, I will make three sketches. Noses come in different shapes and sizes. It won't be possible to cover all types of noses in one lesson, so I will only show how the planes of the nose ball and wing can vary. Here's a nose in three-quarters view. Its bridge is quite high and the ball is not really big. This shape approximately resembles the classical canon of ancient Greek and Roman sculptures. An important landmark of a nose is the border between top and bottom planes of the wing of a nose. Check the way this border connects to the border between upper and lower sides of the nose ball. Also, you can see how the border between the upper side of the ball and the top plane of the wing continues to the vertical border of the muscle that lifts the upper lip of a mouth and the nose wing.

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