How to Draw Ears – Watch Now!

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How to Draw Ears

How to Draw Ears

In this video, you will discover how to draw ears. I will draw in reed pen and sepia ink. This way, you will clearly see all lines. I will now show how to draw an ear in the front view. The helix curves outward, and the antihelix might partly cover its outline. The lobule outline defines the shape of the ear's lower third. Two arms of the antihelix are pointing upward like the character "Y"; one arm connects to the skull and the other supports the helix. The concha ends with the notch between the tragus and antitragus. I will now make an ear drawing in the back view. Once again, the helix spans outward of the head. The lower third is taken by the lobule. At the top, there is a contour of the antihelix, and at the bottom, the contour of the concha.

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