How to Draw Eyes – Watch Now!

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How to Draw Eyes

How to Draw Eyes

In this video, you will discover how to draw eyes in a realistic manner. I will make sketches in reed pen and sepia ink, so you will clearly see all the lines. An eye has an asymmetrical shape. Its top and bottom points are not on the same vertical line but shifted off-center in opposite directions. When it comes to depicting the iris of an eye in a drawing, there are certain rules you need to know about to avoid making mistakes. In the full-face view, an iris is seen as a circle, but how does its geometry change in the three-quarters view? When the pupil of an eye is off-center, imagine a virtual line that connects it with the center of the eyeball and another line that is perpendicular to the first one. These would be the two axes of an oval that represent an iris in this view. Once again, there is the right angle between these axes.

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